Fanpop sejak February 2012

  • 36 years old
  • Amerika Syarikat
  • Favorite Movie: Jaws, Labyrinth, Bound
    Favorite Musician: Way too many, have the most Rawak ipod in the world
    Favorite Book or Author: The Outsiders
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QueenofHorror berkata tentang The Avengers
Saw Captain America: Civil War Wednesday and let me just went above and beyond my expectations. I can't wait to see it again and again and again and well anda get the idea! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
QueenofHorror berkata tentang Filem
Saw Captain America: Civil War Wednesday and let me just went above and beyond my expectations. I can't wait to see it again and again and again and well anda get the idea! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
SentinelPrime89 dikomen…
I agree. What a fantastic movie and it was everything Age Of Ultron should've been despite how I Cinta both movies. hampir setahun yang lalu
QueenofHorror berkata tentang Filem Seram
RIP Wes Craven a true master of horror/filmmaking in general. He will truly be missed telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu