NaNa LaNa

Fanpop sejak June 2010

  • 27 years old
  • Canada
  • Favorite TV Show: invader zim, YugiohHigurashi, Storm Hawks, Style sejak Jury (The Mean Show! XD ) and Elfen Lied.
    Favorite Movie: Coraline, Corpse Bride, 9 and How to train your dragon.
    Favorite Musician: Mindless self indulgence, Green Day, Dark Sanctuary, Nightwish, Evanescence, 3 Days Grace, P!nk.
    Favorite Book or Author: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Amulet.
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Hello everyone! ♡ It's been a LONG time since I've logged in and used this site, about 7 - 8 years I believe? xD It's good to see all of the fun times here from the old days (2010), and it makes me happy this group is still used sejak others. :') I've avoided this site like the plague to avoid rather painful moments of my life and cringy 12 tahun old blasts from the past LMAO But I'm on instagram as sketchyrian nowadays, feel free to follow me there, I'd Cinta to catch up with anda all! ♡ telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
kiddygirl98 berkata …
hei Everyone, anda can find me at Twitter, Facebook, DeviantART, Tumblr, And YouTube. I'm not really going to come on this account anymore, Just letting people know. :| telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Ok, I've decided that I'm NOT leaving for good, But I WILL be on DA lebih often. :)

~Kiddygirl98♪ telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
invaderblaze dikomen…
YAY!!!! and me 2 prob hampir setahun yang lalu
TurtleShroom dikomen…
*applause* hampir setahun yang lalu